Impact beyond our borders

Donate to H.E.A.P. Ministry, a non-profit organization (501c3) incorporated in the USA. We are a Nazarene Approved Mission Project (#136839) and can receive your tax-deductible donation.

Who we served in 2023:


Received the gift of a devotional book for their own spiritual development.


Received monthly chaplaincy service.

Pastoral Couples

Received funds to attend their regional Pastor’s Conference.

Pastoral Families

Received support in acquiring permanent housing.

Pastors and Spouses

Received continuous therapy.


Received funds to help with cancer treatment.

Monthly Support

We were able to send na offering to help support the work of the Church in Amazon region.

Special Offering

We were able to send an offering to help fund the work of the national pastoral care ministry.

New Projects for 2024:

Chaplain in another region of Brazil (the cost is approximately).

per year
$ 0 K

Donate Love and Care

Focus and Action

H.E.A.P. Ministry is focused on supporting pastoral families of the Church of the Nazarene in these three main capacities.

HEAP Ministries seeks to encourage and empower/equip pastors and their families through prayerful support, focused resources, and monetary provisions so that, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, they may experience spiritual, emotional, relational, physical, and financial health.

care donation donate

Crisis Relief

cuidados e ações preventivas planejamento

Preventive Care

alvo da missão

Personal Development

The donations that are received are directed to pastoral families according to the following procedure:

Proccedure of donation Heap Ministries and destination os resources

Request received by on the of the members of the Brazilian H.E.A.P. Ministry Committee

Proccedure of donation Heap Ministries and destination os resources

The Brazilian Committee evaluates the request and decides whether to recommend or not to the H.E.A.P. Board in the USA.

Proccedure of donation Heap Ministries and destination os resources

If the Committee decides to recommend to the Board, the Board will evaluate and then vote on whether to approve or not the request.

Proccedure of donation Heap Ministries and destination os resources

If the Board approves the request, the Committee will inform the pastor the timeline and conditions for the financial support.

H.E.A.P. Ministry is not required to inform the pastor the motives for the approval or denial of his request.

The above process has the intention of practicing good stewardship of the donations received by the organization. Our hope is that more individuals and organizations will be encouraged to donate for the care of pastoral families.

Would you like to participate in this project?

Make your donation!

Faça sua doação!

Missão Igreja do Nazareno do Brasil
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